
Why do you have ads on your site?

We've purposely chosen a freemium model to allow EVERYONE access to our tools.
If you wish to enjoy the website ad-free you are welcome to get a Premium Supporter Membership,
However we wanted to make sure people who can't afford would still be able to use Copilot.

Why do you offer dropmaps 10-20X cheaper than some competitors?

Dropmaps can give competitive players a huge advantage and we strongly feel EVERYONE who wants to use one, should be able to afford it.
So we designed the project in ways to ensure anyone can access valuable information regardless of their budget.

Are dropmaps priced at $20-$40-$100, better than Copilot?

Absolutely NOT.
Our dropmaps are as good and sometimes way better than maps you can purchase anywhere else.
We have been developping and refining our system since Chapter 1 Season 8
and are the only one giving you the tools to customize the map to your playstyle instead of you having to adapt to a map maker's.
Create a FREE Demo Map and see for yourself.

Why are some dropmaps so much more expensive than Copilot?

It depends on a number of factors:
  -Some map makers spend hours refinning and testing each map they offer by hand
  -Some map makers have to spend a lot for vouches/endorsements and/or share revenue to convince you they have a better product.
  -Some.. well... Some just think they can....

Are Pros using Copilot?

We try to work closely with the Competitive/Scrim scene and adapt to it season after season.
We have worked and made dropmaps for the best Pros over the years and some have been able to post about it.
However, not everyone's contract allows them to and we don't force anyone.


Can I pick any spot I want on the map?

Yes, you can choose any location on the map.
Once a location has been set you can move your target around this initial location.

Can I use my dropmap for multiple POIs?

No, Dropmaps are locked to your initial location.
Drop location can be tweaked but a different POI will require a different map.

What happen when Epic updates the island map ?

Your dropmaps are valid for the entire length of the season.
During this period you are allowed to regenerate the pins and move your target as many times as you want.

Why do you have restrictions on the dropmaps ?

In order for us to offer affordable prices we have to somewhat restrict our dropmaps.

Restrictions are also in place to prevent abuse of our project and ensure Copilot remains avaialble to everyone.

I found a bug ?

If you did find an issue (with the map or the website), Please let us know, so we can address it.

Any feedback is good feedback as it makes Copilot better.